At Pgels we have combined the love for luxury timepieces with a strong belief of sustainable artistry that doesn’t have to be compromised.
Our mission is simple. Producing a timepiece with a luxurious characteristic while being affordable and fair.
We find our inspiration in the simple need of luxury. We all want that assurance of quality and elegance in a timepiece. At Pgels we strive for that feeling. Often products get replicated without the essence of that elegance and people end up with bad quality products.
We want to deliver that diamond-sharp feeling, deeply etched in our timepieces.
The Dutch word “Pegels” originated from Amsterdam, wich translates to “money”.
We all know the famous aphorism “Time is money” which is intended to convey the monetary cost of laziness. To not waste time. Because you could be using it to earn money.
Earning money means you cherish money. So if time is money, time is Pgels, hence our timepieces.